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Chris Hamnett

Honours Studio Research (Specialisation in Painting)

This project seeks to make a link between Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and The Myth of Sisyphus, with the canvas being the site of recording the process.

The Greek mythical hero Sisyphus was punished by the Gods for cheating death, to an eternity of purposeless and futile labour. The punishment? To push a rock up a mountain each and every day for eternity. Like Sisyphus, each day the task is the same, to cover as much canvas as time will allow. The compulsion in this project is treated as the purposeless and futile labour that Sisyphus is condemned to - the task that must be faced each and every day.

The role of anxiety within the experience of OCD has been explored through the use fluorescent paint as a signifier of this experience that is caused by ones relentless obsessions. This has resulted in a work that is difficult to view. The jarring and garish nature of the fluorescent paint creates a sense of tension and anxiety. This visual tension has been coupled with the mantra like repetition of the words from the essay Over and Over, Again and Again by Emma Cocker, which have been used to refer to the compulsions. The subsequent result resembles a hallucinatory like effect with the white text reverberating against the fluorescent paint.

Over and Over, Again and Again.

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