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Suzanne Baker                                        

Honours Professional (Specialisation in Painting)

Absence of loved ones is a void filled with the shadows of memory.  The longing for their presence is an unintentional remembering, like the ache of a phantom limb.

My project is about representing the presence of absence now my family is gone.  In composing the work and using the house as a metaphor for refuge, I have photographed places in and around my house that represent those places where absence is most present for me. 

Multiple light sources illuminate empty places suggestive of recent habitation with shadows emerging from the separation of loved ones, standing in for the original, making the absent present.

Twilight, that point of transition from day to night, the in-between-place reflects my present state, a liminal site like the window that connects but separates two worlds.

A light in the window signals prolonged waiting.


Absence is a stronger presence because of its absence.

Absence & Longing

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